Become a Sentry node operator by Docker

This tutorial helps full node operators quickly synchronize with the Oraichain mainnet by downloading a storage snapshot prepared by the team. The downloading speed is much faster than synchronizing from the first block, which allows fast set up to join the network in no time!

I assume you have installed Docker on the server; if not, you may refer to the following instructions before getting started.

You can choose one of the two methods below.

Hardware specifications for an Oraichain node:

Please take a look here

Setup the node using statesync

!!! This method requires the RAM configuration to be more than 8GB !!!

1. Download and run the setup file


curl -o docker-compose.yml && curl -o && chmod +x && curl -OL

2. Edit your moniker in the orai.env file you have just downloaded

In your orai.env file, it's a good idea to set the LOG_LEVEL parameter to "info" if you want to see all the container logs.

3. Build and enter the container

With docker, your node can run on any platforms. As a result, it is a must to install and download Docker & docker-compose. Afterward, please type:


docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d --force-recreate

This command starts setting up a container for your Oraichain node. It runs several commands to get a statesync node ready. You can see these steps in the docker-compose file. For more details, the file has many Bash scripts that handle different tasks automatically. Also, it makes a special folder called .oraid, which keeps all important settings and data for your node.

4. Statesync to synchronize your node

Statesync is the quickest way to let your node catch up with the network by starting at a specified trusted height and fetch snapshot data from other peers.

When you execute the aforementioned command, it initiates statesync in your container. This involves retrieving and applying a snapshot. Following this, your node will begin synchronizing new blocks, a process that typically takes around 30 minutes. You can monitor the progress of this operation by viewing the container log using the command provided below:


docker-compose logs -f orai

After running the script, your node will be ready to run as a full node! Please wait until your node is fully synchronized by typing (from your container):


oraid status &> status.json && cat status.json | jq '{catching_up: .SyncInfo.catching_up}'

If the catching up status is false, your node finished syncing process.

Setup the node using snapshot

1. Download and run the setup file


curl -o docker-compose.yml && curl -o && chmod +x && curl -OL

2. Edit your moniker in the orai.env file you have just downloaded

Please review all the values in the orai.env file once. If you have experience running a validator, adjust the parameters according to your experience. Otherwise, you just need to change the MONIKER value. In your orai.env file, it's a good idea to set the LOG_LEVEL parameter to "info" if you want to see all the container logs.

3. Init orai node


docker-compose up -d && docker-compose exec orai bash -c "sh"

Finally, your working directory should be like below


├── .oraid
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── app.toml
│   │   ├── client.toml
│   │   ├── config.toml
│   │   ├── genesis.json
│   │   ├── node_key.json
│   │   └── priv_validator_key.json
│   └── data
│       └── priv_validator_state.json
├── docker-compose.yml
├── orai.env

3 directories, 10 files

4. Download snapshot


wget -O oraichain_latest.tar.lz4
lz4 -c -d oraichain_latest.tar.lz4 | tar -x -C ./.oraid/

5. Init orai node and wait for syncing to latest block


docker-compose exec orai bash -c "oraivisor start"

Check container log


docker-compose logs orai -f --tail 0

Check your node status


curl -s localhost:26657/status | grep "catching_up"

If the catching_up status is false, your node finished syncing process. Finally, you can delete snapshot file and backup your config folder. The snapshot file may be outdated; you can reach out to our community for it. Please join the Oraichain validators group on Telegram to discuss ideas and problems!

Last updated