Running a validator node on Oraichain .

Validator is an actor that participates in the Oraichain system, which is responsible for committing blocks and executing test cases to validate data from different data sources. If the test cases satisfy the conditions stated in the oracle script, the validator will aggregate data from such data sources. As a result, the validators receive rewards which are ORAI tokens by doing so, and by committing new blocks. Becoming a validator requires a decent amount of ORAI tokens staked to guarantee reliability .

In this tutorial we are going to run a validator node on Oraichain , but before starting off it is advised to start a sentry node on Oraichain and let it update to latest state of the Oraichain . let's begin


A full synced node

Follow any of the previous tutorials on how to run a full synced node on Oraichain .

A wallet

For setting up a wallet run the command

oraid keys add KEY_NAME

Remember to save your passphrase , address and mnemonic .

List all your keys

oraid keys list

Get validator public key

oraid tendermint show-validator

Create Validator command

After getting your wallet details you can use the mnemonic for importing your walllet on keplr and fund your wallet with some ORAI tokens , for activating your wallet on mainnet .

After getting some ORAI tokens , you can use the create validator command given below

Empty command

oraid tx staking create-validator \
--from=[KEY_NAME] \
--amount=[staking_amount_uorai] \
--pubkey=$(osmosisd tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker="[moniker_id_of_your_node]" \
--chain-id="[chain-id]" \
--commission-rate="[commission_rate]" \
--commission-max-rate="[maximum_commission_rate]" \
--commission-max-change-rate="[maximum_rate_of_change_of_commission]" \
--min-self-delegation="[min_self_delegation_amount]" \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-prices="[gas_price]" \

Example command

oraid tx staking create-validator \
--from=light1 \
--amount=1000000orai \
--pubkey=$(oraid tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker="OraichainValidator" \
--chain-id="Oraichain" \
--commission-rate="0.03" \
--commission-max-rate="0.1" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.1" \
--min-self-delegation="1000000" \
--website="" \
--details="I'm trust and safe validator" \

  • from flag is name or address of private of private key with which to sign

  • amount flag signifies the amount of tokens to be staked , 1000000orai = 1 ORAI

  • The pubkey flag is The validator's Protobuf JSON encoded public key

  • The moniker flag is The validator's name

  • The chain-id flag is Oraichain (default value and can't change)

  • The commission-rate is The initial commission rate percentage (in the example above, 3 percent)

  • The commission-max-rate is The maximum commission rate percentage (in the example above, 10 percent)

  • The commission-max-change-rate is The maximum commission change rate percentage (per day) (in the example above, 1 percent per day until reaching the max rate)

  • The min-self-delegation is The minimum self delegation required on the validator (in the example above, 1 orai)

  • The gas-prices is Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee

  • The website flag is The validator's (optional) website

  • The details flag is The validator's (optional) detail

Track validator

To check the current active validator set :

oraid query staking validators | grep OraichainValidator

To track your validator's signing history

oraid query slashing signing-info ${oraid tendermint show-validator}

Please join the Oraichain validators group on Telegram to discuss ideas and problems!

Last updated