How to set up Keplr

We will be using Keplr wallet for this tutorial , so to install Keplr wallet extension in your browser

simply go to this link after installing you can see this in your browser


If you have an existing wallet , click on import an existing wallet but if you are new then click on create a new wallet and follow the steps below


Then click on create a new recovery phase you can also use the other option which is to sign up using google but we are gonna use the other method because it is more secure to create a recovery phase


Then you should click on I understood Show my phrase this will disclose your your secret phase now depending on your security you can get a 24 word phrase or a 12 word phrase .

🗒️ Keep your mnemonic safe and save it for recovering your account it will come handy when we will be deploying our contract to oraichain test net .


now verify your phase and set a wallet name for your wallet .

Now Select Oraichain testnet and add it your list of chains .


With this we have setup our keplr wallet , now we have a UI like the snapshot below


With this you successfully created your account on Keplr wallet .

Last updated