Developer cheatsheet

This section contains all the neccessary resources that are required for developing full fledged dApps on Oraichain .

Learn more about cosmwasm

For learning more about cosmwasm here are the resources :

For learning about tools that are used for building dApps on Oraichain you can refer

Commands that always help 🌟

For bootstrapping a dApp project on Oraichain

  1. Install Beaker

cargo install -f beaker # `-f` flag for up-to-date version 

For learning more about beaker do refer to beaker's github .

  1. using Interwasm DAO's template

cargo generate --git --branch 1.0-minimal --name cw-starter

Tools for Deploying the contracts and interacting with them

cw-simulate : your sword for deploying the contracts on oraichain ⚔️

yarn add @oraichain/cw-simulate -D

For learning more about cw-simulate do refer it's documentation

cw-tools : build and generate schemas for your contract in one go

npm install -g @oraichain/cwtools

Do checkout their github for learning more about this

Last updated