Tooling and Infra

Unlock the essential tools for building and deploying dApps on the Oraichain platform with this comprehensive guide. Streamline your development process and unleash your creativity in the world of decentralized applications.

#️⃣What are the tools used for smart contract development ?

Smart contracts are the backbone of our dApp they are the part of application which execute functions on-chain and do all the heavy lifting for us so lets dive into the tools we use for developing smart contracts on oraichain network .

1️⃣ Cosmwasm-library :

it is a library using which you can craft feature rich smart contracts for oraichain . This library uses rust 🦀, which makes your smart contracts really performant . For writing smart contracts using cosmwasm you can use cw-template which provides you boilerplate , thus helping you add extra functionality and features to your smart contracts .For setting up your cosmwasm project you can follow this tutorial ✌️

2️⃣ Cosmwasm-ide

This the remix alternative in the oraichain world , this amazing vs-code extension developed by the oraichain team , enables you to compile and deploy your smart contract to the network . For know more about how to deploy your smart contracts using it you can follow this tutorial .

3️⃣ cosmwasm-tools

This is the cli-tool which helps you deploy and build schemas for your smart contracts right from your terminal . you can also run custom scripts using this tool to interact with your smart contract . for knowing more about this tool you can follow our tutorial about deploying smart contracts on oraichain .

For learning more about cosmwasm development you can follow the comprehensive tutorials we have created and master the art of writing smart contracts on oraichain .

#️⃣ Tools used for developing frontend of our dApp

The previous section gives u a glimpse of the tools used for writing and testing our smart contracts but what about frontend , how we integrate the features of smart contract to our application thus bringing our dApp to life . So let’s explore the tools required for developing frontend of our dApps .

This is tool which sets up the boilerplate template for our dApp , it comes pre configured with all the dependencies such as cosmjs, keplr, nextjs, webpack or Babel. all with the power of one command . below is the UI you get by using this template .


2️⃣ cosmos-kit

This tools provides us with all the functionality we need for adding the connect functionality for our dApp . using this package you can easily integrate wallets in your application without any hassle .

3️⃣ Interchain-UI 🎨

This is an amazing component library with plethora of components you can use in your application for adding amazing features it provides you amazing components such as modals , deposit UI and a lot more . it is also customizable thus letting you add your spark to each component 🌟


4️⃣ ts-codegen

This is the secret weapon for your dApp development process . It lets you generate dev-friendly typescript classes for your smart contracts and lets you interact with your smart contracts with out any hassle . you can even ship your types as npm package thus using them again whenever you need them .

The below flowchart summarizes the whole flow for us .

steps for developing a dApp on oraichain in a nutshell

steps for developing a dApp on oraichain in a nutshell

With this we have come to an end for this article , in further articles and tutorials we will be building a full stack dApp using all the above listed tools and SDKs thus making you the master of oraichain development . Till then happy hacking ✌️

Last updated